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'The DIY Knicker Kit Project' is a dialogical collaboration aimed at unveiling topic around menstruality (menstrual cycles, periods, religious taboo and societal shame linked to menstruation) through making, thinking and discursive processes. 
The collaboration is run under the concept of 'Wombenhood: exploring the field of menstruality'.

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exploring the field of menstruality

Wombenhood is an emerging dialogical space that explores topics linked to menstrual cycles, periods, societal taboos and other issues related through collaborative and participatory projects.


Aims at unveiling and unpicking menstruality with the desire to bring societal change through conversations, human interactions and art-making processes in safe spaces open to all.

Wombenhood's concept is co-founded by Valeria Medici and Rhianne Burgess.


The DIY Knicker Kit Project Online Exhibition 

At conclusion of a three-month collaboration, the physical responses created by the participants and collaborators and some conversation;s abstracts have been curated and installed as part of Valeria Medici's degree show installed in the institution's studio space.

The exhibtion can only be seen via digital photographs in the gallery below and in the University of Northampton online degree show

We wish to thank all the participants, collaborators and people who made this collaboration happen.

If you wish to join future collaborations and conversation around the topic of menstruality, register your interest here

Visit Valeria Medici's page at the UoN Online Degree Show is visible here:

Fine Art Digital degree showcase: 

The University of Northampton Digital degree showcases is available here:



Wombenhood is a conversation based project which offers a space for open-ended conversation around the topic of menstrual cycles.


A guide for visitors and DIY Knicker Kit Participants

From 18th January to 22nd March 2021

Dates and topics for each session can be found on the event calendar.

Scroll down this page to watch vodcasts

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