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A month-long project for makers where participants are required to submit a new piece of work daily for every day for the month of April 2020 with over 1095 artists participating from 42 countries around the world.


This year’s 30/30 has kindly been supported by Artquest.
Official website:
12ø Collective:


Day 8_About legacy, unknown answer.jpg

Day 8


About legacy, unknown answer’ (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘Does your work have a legacy?’
I don't know if I will have a legacy. I certainly had one.

Materials: digital photography.


Day 9_Admin.jpg

Day 9


Admin..well’ (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘Is there a bit of art-related admin you'd been putting off? (of course there is) maybe do that today?’


Materials: photography and PDF document.


Day 1


'Conclusione' (2020) 


In response to the brief: 'Is there a work you are scared to make? Make it anyway!'

Materials: etching print with oil colours on Fabriano Unica paper (300grm). Digital prints on acetate and text on tissue paper mounted on Futura Unica paper frame. Prints on acetate embedded in resin.


Day 2


'Nest '(2020)

In response to the brief: 'Can you make a home at home?'

Materials: digital photography of installation.

Photo by Tom Cressey (highly confused, scarcely interested though devoted boyfriend).


Day 3


Me’ (2020)


In response to the Day 3 brief: ‘What do you need to make your work?’

Materials: digital photographs manipulated on PhotoShop.


Day 4 


Try cheating today’ (2020)


In response to the daily brief: 'Try cheating today'.

Materials: film clip appropriation from 'What do we do in the shadows' (2014)_Vlad Jermaine Clement cat transformation.

Failure_day 5_V4.jpg

Day 5


What does failure look like to you?' (2020)


In response to the daily brief: 'What does failure look like to you?’

Materials: digital collage.

Pop-portrait_Day 6_Take an old work and

Day 6


'Pop-portrait' (2020)


In response to the daily brief: “Take an old work and make it more commercial?”

Materials: screenprint on papaper_digital manipulation and collage.


Neither_Me_bird transfiguratio.jpg

Day 7


Neither’ (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘Are you a hare or a tortoise?’

Materials: Manipulation of digital photography.


Day 10_Daily life.jpg

Day 10


‘Daily life’ (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘Make a list of things that you can remember wanting to make but never got round to doing can you make any today?’

Not every day is full of art.

Materials: Photography

Day 11_Different options.jpg

Day 11


Different options’  (2020)


In response to the brief: When you make or display your work do you consider how people will access it? If not how might this change how you make and plan your work?

Materials: Monster on a Flag (These Lancashire women are witches in politics).

Day 12.png

Day 12


‘On holiday’ (2020)


Today brief was: ‘Remake yesterday's work’
I choose not to submit as I was on holiday.


Materials: Photoshop document

Day 12.png

Day 13


‘On holiday’ (2020)


Today brief was: ‘Collaborate with someone else today’
I choose not to submit as I was on holiday. Although I was collaborating already in Forced Collaboration.

Materials: Photoshop document

Day 14_Unexplained.png

Day 14


‘Unexplained' (2018)


In response to the brief: ‘Don't make anything today just send a description of what you would make’

Materials: Photograph

Day 15.png

Day 15


‘Day 15' (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘ Does it take the path of least resistance?’

Materials: Screenshot of notes document

Day 16_On my dead Ivy.png

Day 16


‘On my dead Ivy' (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘Make a work that takes 5 minutes'

Materials: 5 minutes drawing, black ink on sketchbook

Day 17_Research day.png

Day 17


‘Research day' (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘Make today a research day'

Materials: Photograph

Day 18_Microscape.png

Day 18


 Microscape' (2019)


Ignoring today's brief: ‘Make the work that you think your relatives would expect you to make'

 Materials: Microscopical photography of salt

Day 19_Egg landing.png

Day 19


'Egg Landing' (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘Make a work that is edible today'

Materials: Boiled egg in water, photograph

Day 20


 'To make' (2019)


In response to the brief: ‘What's your responsibility as a maker?'

 Materials: Video montage

Day 21_Monocromo.png

Day 21


'Monocromo' (2020)


In response to the brief:'Make a monochrome work'

Materials: Ink pen on sketchbook paper

Day 22_Guilty pleasures.jpg

Day 22


'Guilty pleasures' (2020)


In response to the brief:‘Do you have a guilty pleasure? Make a work from that'.

 Materials: Photoshop mess

Day 23.png

Day 23


'Day 23' (2020)


Ignoring today's brief: 'Use wiki how to learn a new skill and make a work with it'.

Materials: Screenshot of notes document

Day 24_Outside in.jpg

Day 24


'Outside in' (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘Could your work have another function? What would it be?'

 Materials: Multicoloured layered tissue paper on window.

Day 25.jpg

Day 25


'Day 25' (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘What is your work's alter ego?'

Materials: Embroidery on turquoise velvet

Day 26_Life.jpg

Day 26


"Life' (2020)


In response to the brief: ‘Who or what inspires you?'

Materials: Photoshop

Day 27.jpg

Day 27


'Day 27' (2020)


Ignoring today's brief: ‘Make a work to give to someone else'

 Materials: Photoshop

Day 28.png

Day 28


"Depth of field' (2018)


Ignoring today's brief: ‘Write a reivew of one of your previous works'

 Materials: Photograph

Day 29.png

Day 29


"Day 29' (2020)


Ignoring today's brief: ‘Make a commitment'

 Materials: Screenshot of notes document

Day 30


'La Sfera' (2020)


In response to the brief: 'Try making that work you've been wanting to make over the past month and never got round to making'

Materials: Hand drawn video animation

Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 00.15.51.jpg
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